duminică, 2 ianuarie 2011

Peru: shamani si plante sacre

Desi "civilizatia" omului alb s-a intins pe toata planeta ca un foc mistuitor, distrugand tot pe unde a trecut, in triburile din jungla  Americii de Sud traditiile, cunoasterea spirituala, ce merge mana in mana cu plantele magice inca se pastreaza vie, datorita unor shamani, oameni dedicati caii spirituale, obtinerii "puritatii".
Cel care vrea sa devina shaman trebuie sa invete, printr-o disciplina a vietii (a nu se citit cuvantul disciplina" in sensul nostru  - occidental, european, ci in sens spiritual) cum sa manance, cum sa vorbeasca, cum sa mearga, cum sa interactioneze cu respect cu Natura si cu ceilalati semeni.

In traditita oamenilor/ tribului Shipibo, respectul este in mod special adresat plantelor sacre, plante "maestru".
Un astfel de shaman este si Guillermo, un om cu o "putere" deosebita, asa cum au spus chiar unii romani ce au participat la intiere alaturi de el.

Espiritu de Anaconda was created in 2004 by Guillermo Arévalo (Kestembetsa) with the objective to vivify the traditional amazonian medicine and the shamanic culture of the Shipibo people also to western people. The western popular culture and way of life is, as we know, influencing even the far corners of the world. For the traditional cultures around the globe this can pose a dilemma when children and young people no longer wish to carry on with the tradition. From talking to Guillermo we learned that there is more interest for the shamanic field among westerners then among his own people and that is the main reason why he chose to create this center (and also the center Luz Cosmica) to  make this tradition and knowledge easier available also for western people.

Guillermo Arevalo - Kestembetsa is a shipibo master healer and the spiritual leader of the Shipibo people. Since he began to investigate the amazonian natural medicine his objective was to share the Knowledge with others. For him shamanism is a field of investigation of the supra natural dimensions. Such investigation can help us to learn how to live in harmony with ourselves and our environment. During his 35 years of practice he studied almost all the amazonian master plants. His expertise in shamanism and curanderismo is recognized all over the world.
For the last few years he has been focusing his personal research on his concept of spiritual shamanism.

Cosmogony of the Shipibo people give you an overview of their philosophy and how they perceive Reality.
The Asusena is a preparation of plants used as a vomitive, it will purify your body and prepare you for the ceremony.

The Diet is the main discipline of our tradition, as the Shipibos say "the Diet is the door of Knowledge. 
"The diet is the discipline that a curandero has to follow in order to acquire knowledge and it is also followed by the patients during their healing process. At Espiritu de Anaconda, all our guest usually diet a master plant during their stay."
There are three different types of diet: Healing Diet, Purification Diet and Apprenticeship Diet.
Shamanism is a way that requires us to follow a certain discipline of life. Those who choose to enter into this field have to learn how to live a spiritual life in order to stay pure. They have to learn how to eat, talk, walk, relate to others and to Nature with respect. In our Tradition the respect of the Master Plants, for example, is fundamental if one really wants to grow.
According to the Shipibo the Knowledge comes from the master plants. They are essential to the Tradition and this is why we decided to focus this workshop on them. There are  many Master Plants in the Amazon Rain Forest and all over the World as well. 

The handcraft of the Shipibos always display geometrical patterns which come from their visionary experiences. You can often see those patterns during ceremony under the effect of the Ayahuasca
Shamanism is not exclusively a men´s world, there´s been many women shamans in the Shipibo tradition and nowadays, more and more women are attracted by this path. 
The Chai is a cactus which grows in the Amazon Rain Forest. It is one of the main plants that we use at Espiritu de Anaconda. This plant is what we call a cosmic plant as it connects who diets it with the cosmic dimensions. It is also one of the plants that give protection to the shaman.

The Datura, called Tohe in Peru, is a psychoactive plant that grows almost all over the planet. The Datura has been used by many different traditions for investigating the spiritual dimensions. The Tohe is one of the masters of the medicine, one of its properties is that it increases the ability to "see", to have visions during the trance.
The Marosa is often used at Espiritu de Anaconda. This plant works on the heart and emotions of the person who diets it. It also helps to express oneself into the world.

The Ajo Sacha had a very special role in Guillermo´s path as it is the plant he chose to diet when he first entered the field of shamanism. The Ajo Sacha was his first master and he studied it during one year in isolation in the deep forest.
The Pinon Blanco is another great master of the medicine. His knowledge is very pure and full of light. He teaches how to use white magic to help others in their healing process.

The Ayahuma is a tree that one can diet to get protection against black magic....

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